How Do You Not Act Awkward Around A Guy You Like Why Would A Guy Act Awkward Around A Girl?

Why would a guy act awkward around a girl? - how do you not act awkward around a guy you like

There's this guy, especially when I see him act awkard. In addition, most of the time when around me it works very awkard. I saw him looking at me, like 4 times. But now I only have prevented acts and awkard. WTF?


Sylar said...

Why do not understand girls! Men are shy:)
Give him a time or take the initiative to start a conversation.
I'm sure it will be back to normal

Luscious... said...

This is important for you because you love her. Well, if he does not know what he thinks, nor his friends, so dear, do not start to analyze. If a guy (like you too), it would be several options for them, because they are attracted to them. Even if you're shy, you try something. It's just a basic law of attraction ... You want to feel about you at all. However, if this man does not love her or not, I tell you a secret ... Finally, you know. It will in the coming days, weeks, months, of course, but you know. If someone loves you, you know. If they fail this, you get mixed vibrations do not know. Well, to keep a positive attitude, not because I do not even like to see you .... You are looking for, he might think he is hot and wants some. I know because when I exercise and I am showing 10 kilos lighter and tonic and more skin, men look at me. You may have long term girlfriends, female, whatever. They love what they see, but no one has broken with theiWomen's st So my two cents to you, so that the child come to you and clear about their intentions. Never assume that you were straight, that is, you want more than sex.

whats it to you said...

Ive had my problems with a girl, something like that. Ya, he loves you, no doubt much. He had some GF is prolly wrong, or not much experience. hes too afraid you will refuse. If you tell him he could open it, or you can .... idk. Try to congratulate you and to feel less self-conscious.

* And if you want, or end up like I asked him, is also afraid. If he says no, HES !!!!!!!!! too shy, you should ask him personally. If you do not say yes to that you your loss.

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